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polycarbonate roofing


Installation guide for Sunlite Jazz Polycarbonate Sheets

The purpose of this particular write-up is to help and guide you on the basic tools and steps needed for the installation of the Sunlite Jazz polycarbonate sheet. In order to help our valuable customers, to observes the proper and correct installation.

Installation Procedure as follows:

  1. Preparation of materials and accessories

  2. Sunlite Jazz Corrugated Polycarbonate Sheet

Sunlite Jazz Corrugated sheet

  1. 2 inches Stainless Tex Screw with Neoprene washer

Stainless Tex screw

  1. Neutral cure silicone sealant

neutral cure silicone sealant

  1. Aerotape


  1. Electric Drill

electric drill

  1. Industrial metal Scissor

Industrial Metal Scissor
  1. Setting of Frame

  2. Frames for Corrugated sheets should be horizontal. The installer should recommend the use of horizontal support for proper screwing of sheets.

  3. Measuring of Polycarbonate Sheet

  4. Measuring the polycarbonate sheet should include the dimension of the frame.

  5. Observe allowance, about 2% to 5% on frame length and a standard 2 inches overhang (overhang from the frame).

  6. Cutting of Polycarbonate Sheet

  7. Sunlite Jazz polycarbonate sheets must be placed on a platform that is convenient enough for installers to conduct cutting. You can cut Sunlite Jazz polycarbonate sheet using a pair of tiny scissors.

  8. Preparation for Framing

  9. Any purlin or trellis that will have possible contact with the Polycarbonate sheet must be covered with the Aerotape Self-adhesive. This accessory acts as a cushion and insulation to avoid direct heat from the framings to the polycarbonate sheet.

  10. Initial screwing

  11. No initial screwing is needed for Sunlite Jazz corrugated sheets since screwing can directly be done on its overlapping sheet.

  12. Jointing/Overlapping

  13. The standard overlapping of Sunlite Jazz polycarbonate sheet is 7-10 cm.

  14. Complete screwing

  15. Screw the rest of the body of the polycarbonate sheets with a 2-inch Stainless Tex Screw with a neoprene washer for Sunlite Jazz polycarbonate sheets.

  16. Silicone Sealant Application

  17. Sunshield Neutral Cure Silicone Sealant is then applied on top of each screw head to re-assure that there will be no water seepage on the screws. It also needs to be applied on overlapping ends to avoid water penetration.

  18. Water Leak Test

  19. It is always recommended to have a water leak test before accepting the project. Ideally, the leak test should be done 24 hours after installation. You must re-do sealing and necessary repairs when leaks are found.

To know more about Sunlite and Sunshield polycarbonate sheets, visit us at  or via our Facebook page


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