“SULIT SA TIBAY” has been the heart and soul of Sunlite Polycarbonate Sheets. Made to suit every consumer, Sunlite Polycarbonate Sheet is a strong and clever roofing alternative that provides good light transmission while reducing the entry of heat. Moreover, Sunlite Polycarbonate Sheet, just like Sunshield, offers premium class benefits but with economical prices.
Sunlite Jazz
Sunlite Jazz is thin and strong because it has the same structure as Sunshield Corrugated Polycarbonate Sheets but with extra benefit in terms of length of embossed polycarbonate sheet. This product has high impact and bending strength in comparison to Twinwall Sheets which makes Sunlite Jazz highly recommended for arched shaped or dome shaped design. Not only that, but it also has an embossed design on the horizontal surface and has a solid sheet design on the inclined part.
Sunlite Twinwall Sheets
Sunlite Twinwall is an extruded multi-wall polycarbonate product created for applications where its strength, thermally insulative properties and moderate cost are idea. Sunlite Twinwall sheets are significantly lighter but stronger and more impact resistant than glass and acrylic, so it doesn’t add additional stress to the entire roofing system. Not only that, but Sunlite Twinwall can also be cold bent to 2.2m internal diameter at normal room temperature.

Heat Reduction
The different variants of Sunlite Polycarbonate Sheets allow reduction of heat. For Sunlite Twinwall, it has a hollow design that allows air to pass through which lessens the heat transmission. In Sunlite Jazz, the embossed part of the sheet refracts the light which also helps in reducing the amount of heat being transmitted.
Weathering Resistance
It is tough enough to withstand an adverse or the most extreme weather conditions (whether under hot tropical heat, or cold weather and thunderstorms). Sunlite Polycarbonate Sheets have superior protection against the deteriorating effect of UV radiation and does not discolor or become brittle easily.
Sunlite Polycarbonate Sheets will not be the source of fire and won’t be the cause of spreading fire and toxic fumes which may endanger other lives. Even under extreme heat, Sunshield Polycarbonate Sheets is non-catalyst to combustion or non-contributing to the growth of a fire through flame spread.
Due to its lightweight property, installation is easier as well as it lowers labor cost. Also, its weight doesn’t contribute heavy loads and stress to the roofing system.
Range in Dimension
Different dimensions of polycarbonate sheets are available. Sunlite Twinwall offers up to 4.88 meters while Sunlite Jazz offers up to 50 meters in length.

5 Years Warranty
5 years warranty granted upon having complete accessories, following the recommended installation process and with proper storage and handling.
Sunlite Acrylic Sheets
Sunlite Extruded Acrylic Sheet has excellent optical properties, moisture, and more impact resistant, thermoformable, lighter, and less expensive than glass. It is more dimensionally stable, meaning its thickness is more consistent across sheets, also extruded acrylic sheet is less susceptible to dirt, lint, or particulate contamination. And, due to its lower melting temperature, it is easier to laser cut, rout, and polishes more cost-effectively.
Excellent Transparency
Acrylic plastic is extremely transparent, and clarity allows for more than 90% of light to pass through, making it more transparent than glass.
Impact Resistant
Acrylic sheets have six to 17 times the impact resistance of ordinary glass meaning, it takes a lot more force to shatter acrylic than glass.
Weathering Resistant
Acrylic plastic is highly resistant to variations in temperature and humidity, making it useful in outdoor applications.
Acrylic sheet is half the weight of glass.
It is thermoplastic; it softens once expose to high temperature. Once soft, acrylic can be shaped to suit numerous designs that many other materials cannot achieve.
Chemical resistant
Acrylic plastic is highly resistant to inorganic acids and bases but can be dissolved by organic substances, especially petroleum products.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach us via the contact form, or send us a message through our Facebook page. We will try our best to reply as soon as we can.